Monday, October 10, 2016

Break-free and be you!

PS: This one a bit lengthier than all other posts but I am sure by the end of it you would know why.

When was the last time you experienced freedom in its true sense? By freedom I don’t mean breaking the physical boundaries but letting go off any mental barriers that you carry. Mental strength enhances physical strength but what do you feed it to make it stronger?

In this mundane life we unknowingly get succumbed to the daily grind and forget to explore what’s within us. And when it keeps happening on a regular basis we eventually tend to lose interest in a lot of things,start carrying inhibitions and feel life has become a drag. And then it leaves you in situations where you want to express but can’t. How do I tell my boss I hate you? Or why can’t my parents understand? Why is it that I am not as settled as my friends? When you are in it, it feels very complex to deal with it because there is hardly any space in your brain to process and simplify things. And the worst part is you don’t even allow your mind to cool down on a periodic basis. You may think that no I do go for vacations and yes for get-togethers,family visits so how else do I rejuvenate?

Well, giving your mind that pause is not a quarterly or a yearly event but it needs regular servicing to bring out the best in you. So what do you do to set yourself free on a periodic basis? Well, for starters you can reserve 1 day in a week or a month at best to do things you really enjoy doing. It can be as simple as taking a walk in the park, having a day out with friends, or just watching a movie.You decide.What I mean is that pamper your mind and soul. Let your body release some happy hormones. 

I will share with you how I do it. Being a spontaneous personality I tend to get bored of things very easily and hence sustaining anything for very long requires huge self motivation. So I allow myself that free time at least twice a week. It is not necessarily alone but it’s all about not allowing any restrictions or compulsions on myself. For example, I have the responsibility to cook meals, take care of the house and do everything else to maintain the well being of my family with a full time job. But on a few days I just let myself loose and for sometime forget all the above mentioned things. Instead I tell my hubby to make me a cup of tea, water the plants, sleep till late in the morning or evening ;).It just relaxes me mentally for some time, gives me a feel good factor and I regain my energy for other things. Sounds regular right? The only difference is that I am conscious of it. You need to be aware when taking a break and consciously cut-off the oh so responsible thoughts. 

Yet another thing I do is make random plans every 2 months or so. I recently took a week long break and this time I did not even ask my husband. Just told him that we are leaving over the weekend and booked a resort to leave out any last minute flops. He added on by extending our stay (Sweet;) I ensured that neither of us carry any mental baggage and do whatever we felt like. I just let me be without worrying about how I look or what do I eat or who is looking at me. And I feel more rejuvenated than ever. It made me realize a lot of things not only about myself but also helped strengthen my bond with my partner. Vacations are a wonderful time to build relationships and that’s exactly what I did.

Having followed this for a while has made me very calm in my head, enhanced my ability to think rationally and most importantly, it has induced a sense of acceptance towards what I have.
It’s good to plan and stay organized but every once in a while, break the monotony that your mind feels and allow it to de-clutter. All said and done, however much you love things around you, nothing gives you more pleasure than pampering your inner self and who would know it best other than you? So go ahead and break-free…..for a while! Cheers!
