Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Beyond Love

Love is overrated. Thanks to all the Romcoms airing everyday somewhere and to our very own Bollywood for portraying this disillusioned emotion for centuries in the most picturesque way possible.  Marriage is a different story altogether. For people like me having grown up in a small town, idealizing a life post marriage with the very special one, staying in fantasy and experiencing a series of emotions every now and then is the most normal thing. But then, what about the clichés like happily ever after, happily married, fights make the love stronger and blah blah blah? The truth is, neither the clichés or the movies or your friend’s experience would tell you what love actually is. And what goes beyond. It is only you who will define the meaning of love for yourself and hey it’s perfectly alright. The reason why most people are unhappy (read deep down) with their current BFs/Husbands is not because he or she is not right for you. But maybe you got it wrong all this while. Whatever you have read or seen around you so far which made you believe in the concept of love was merely a compilation of individual experiences. Once you sign up for a relationship love stays just one aspect of it and not the whole of it.
Yes it is beautiful to have someone by your side, to hold hands when in public or otherwise, to see that one person wait for you when no one else does. But what does it take to find that person? Well the person doesn’t exist anywhere. You have to strive to make that person into the one. And yes, it may take a lifetime for you!
Beyond Love is a place where there is compromise, grief, confusion and everything else. A place you tend to go eventually where it’s all about the other person in your life. You tend to lose yourself and give everything you have, to that special person. And this is not just once. A place you keep visiting every now and then. Nobody tells you about it but everybody has it. You are the only one who can carve it out for yourself like I did. It aids you in dealing with life and its emotions headstrong.


  1. so thats the base of all the blog posts to come :)

  2. Thanks for reading. This is one of my favorite subjects! But you can expect posts on other subjects too:)

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  5. You have depicted a perfect picture of love. Those who think love is a fairy tale....understands the truth after they are into it for a while or.more.
    Love is actually a blend of emotions - anger, anxiety, faith, trust, expectations, hate, love etc. etc.

  6. @ Mrunal Pawar. Thank you for reading.
    I don't intend to create any opinion on the definition of "true love" or disregard it.

  7. Very true...Der is nothing called true's jst matter how much u give of urself to called partner it's never enough for them dey can always find out excuses why they can't be with you and live you forever as if there was nothing...
