Monday, August 22, 2016

Hustle Hassle

 I was just speaking to a friend of mine the other day, a young mother of a 2 year old. It is amazing to see how your own friends from school you have grown up with, transform so beautifully from being pampered daughters to responsible daughter-in-laws and then caring and gentle mothers.

A child does bring in a lot of joy in the family and makes the parents bond stronger than ever. But meanwhile the “parenting”, “wifeing” and “daughter in-law-ing”, there goes a lot of a woman into keeping up to each role. Sleepless nights, losing track of time, feeding the baby, taking care of the house it all happens simultaneously. Seeing a lot of them around I can really recollect my mother running around the house like a superhuman managing everything under the sun to offer the best to her family. It is amazing how women inherit this quality and mold themselves only to give selflessly.

While many of them do it unconditionally and are satisfied with the way their lives take shape,there are times with each one of them when they just want to feel liberated from the daily hustle hassle. I am sure all the lovely women reading this have compromised on their dreams, hobbies even specific food habits just to manage and fit in better. This post is dedicated to all those ladies who pour their heart and soul to nurture their families.
Though I am not a mother yet but just juggling between work and home leaves me exhausted with no time to myself. 

It’s a constant fight within them whether to think of everything or just themselves for a change. And when they actually do there is a tendency to feel guilty. Come on you ladies, as human beings you can only give better if you feel better and there is no harm in indulging in some “me” time once in a while. As women it’s normal to feel lonely even when you are surrounded with people who love you while handling everything from a brush, baby, better half, brunch and bed. But it would be magical to keep that little spark of being self alive. I have started writing to express and steal a few minutes every day just for myself. What would you do? 

Would love to see your answers. Let's inspire.



  1. Thoughts well put !! I firmly believe that a person shud never loose their own identity... i read books mostly biographies of successful people in various fields.. readin abt such people gives me a sense of positivity and learning

  2. Thoughts well put !! I firmly believe that a person shud never loose their own identity... i read books mostly biographies of successful people in various fields.. readin abt such people gives me a sense of positivity and learning
